The emerging of the information are require a new paradigm for the field of instructional design
( Reigeluth, 1996 ). It must be borne in mind that the design and development of instructional materials for teaching and learning purpose must take into consideration important aspects such as pedagogy, learning theories, ID theories and models and the media employed. Computer technology is able to support many of the principles of constructivist learning. Although the field of instructional design has evolved greatly, it would be meaningless if there are ignored or even worst not practiced by the practitioners.
What is Instructional design?
Montague, Wulfrek and Ellis (1983) highlighted that the best design does not compensate for the lack of skills needed to develop quality instruction. An instruction is a set of events that facilitate learning whilst design means a creative pattern or a rational, logical, sequential process intended to solve problems. Thus, instructional design can be defined as “the systematic process of translating principles of learning and instruction into plans for instructional materials and activities”. However, there are many different definitions for instructional design and all of them are an expression of underlying philosophies and viewpoints of what is involved in the learning process (Siemens, 2002). According to Albion et al., instructional design can be defined as a
Process, a discipline, a science, or reality as below:
How Could Teacher Use These theories in The Classroom
Instructional Design as a Discipline: ID is that branch of knowledge concerned with research and theory about instructional strategies and the process for developing and implementing those strategies.
Instructional Design as a Science: ID is the science of creating detailed specifications for the development, implementation, evaluation and maintenance of situations that facilitate the learning of both large and small units of subject matter at levels of complexity.
Instructional Design as Reality: ID can start at any point in the design process. Often a glimmer of an idea is developed to give the core of an instruction situation. By the time the entire process is done the designer looks back and she or he checks so that all parts of the ‘science’ have been taken into account. Then the entire process is written up as if it occurred in a systematic fashion. Read more...