Sunday, 24 February 2019

Anjungsena Homestay Sg Petani

Aku bercita cita nak ada sebuah homestay. Akhirnya cita cita aku tercapai. Pada tahun 2019 ini..bermulalah pembukaan homestay aku ni. Tentang modal tak payah cerita lah...memang air mata. Tapi aku dgn wife nekad nak juga ada sebuah homestay. Kenapa anjungsena homestay...nanti aku buat entry lain. Ya skrg ni bukam zaman dia dah pergi ke FB IG dan lain lain. So kita kena fahamlah kenapa aku lama tak update blog aku ni...nak dapat sejuta views pun makan tahun.

Sunday, 18 December 2011

“ E- Portfolio ( Learning and Development E-Portfolio )”

Apakah  itu e-portfolio?
            E-portfolio atau portfolio elektronik merupakan satu bentuk portfolio yang dihasilkan menggunakan teknologi digital sama ada melalui atas talian iaitu berasaskan web ataupun menggunakan media seperti cakera optik (CD ROM). E-portfolio merupakan satu koleksi artifak dari koleksi peribadi ataupun organisasi dengan tujuan yang tertentu dan disimpan secara elektronik yang dikendalikan oleh individu ataupun organisasi.E-portfolio juga dapat digunakan bagi menunjukkan perkembangan diri dan pengetahuan individu. Berdasarkan tugasan yang dilakukan ,e-portfolio sangat berguna kepada pelajar untuk menerangkan perkara-perkara yang telah dipelajari. Justeru itu,   e-portfolio bolehlah dikatakan sebagai buku elektronik peribadi kepada mereka yang membangunkanya. Misalnya untuk pengajar, e-portfolio boleh digunakan sebagai medium pengajaran. Manakala bagi pelajar , e-portfolio boleh digunakan sebagai tempat untuk menyimpan segala bahan pembelajaran.
 Menurut kajian yang dilakukan oleh FuturEd sejak tahun 1996 , e-portfolio berkaitan rapat dengan: Baca seterusnya.....

Monday, 14 November 2011

Instructional Design .


The emerging of the information are require a new paradigm for the field of instructional design  
( Reigeluth, 1996 ). It must be borne in mind that the design and development of instructional materials for teaching and learning purpose must take into consideration important aspects such as pedagogy, learning theories, ID theories and models and the media employed. Computer technology is able to support many of the principles of constructivist learning. Although the field of instructional design has evolved greatly, it would be meaningless if there are ignored or even worst not practiced by the practitioners.

What is Instructional design?
Montague, Wulfrek and Ellis (1983) highlighted that the best design does not compensate for the lack of skills needed to develop quality instruction. An instruction is a set of events that facilitate learning whilst design means a creative pattern or a rational, logical, sequential process intended to solve problems. Thus, instructional design can be defined as “the systematic process of translating principles of learning and instruction into plans for instructional materials and activities”. However, there are many different definitions for instructional design and all of them are an expression of underlying philosophies and viewpoints of what is involved in the learning process (Siemens, 2002). According to Albion et al., instructional design can be defined as a
Process, a discipline, a science, or reality as below:

How Could Teacher Use These theories in The Classroom

Instructional Design as a Discipline: ID is that branch of knowledge concerned with research and theory about instructional strategies and the process for developing and implementing those strategies.

Instructional Design as a Science: ID is the science of creating detailed specifications for the development, implementation, evaluation and maintenance of situations that facilitate the learning of both large and small units of subject matter at levels of complexity.

Instructional Design as Reality: ID can start at any point in the design process. Often a glimmer of an idea is developed to give the core of an instruction situation. By the time the entire process is done the designer looks back and she or he checks so that all parts of the ‘science’ have been taken into account. Then the entire process is written up as if it occurred in a systematic fashion. Read more...

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Artikel 1

Penulisan Artikel:

Tajuk:  "Permainan dan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran".
 “Games & Teaching and Learning”.

Desediakan oleh :    Zabri Bin Zainol Abidin  ( S-PM 0321/11)


            Belajar melalui bermain adalah satu teknik pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang berkesan kepada  murid- murid . Melalui teknik ini juga akan mendatangkan keseronokkan  dan kepuasan kepada mereka dalam sesuatu pengajaran yang hendak disampaikan. Dengan bermain juga murid-murid  akan dapat menguasai perkembangan dan kemahiran fizikal dan penguasaan bahasa dari segi perbendaharaan dan peraturan tatabahasa. Melalui permainan juga dapat memupuk kepimpinan murid dan menghilangkan rasa kekecewaan atau kegelisahan. Justeru itu dalam Huraian Kurikulum Prasekolah Kebangsaan Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, 2003 muka surat 260 telah menghuraikan Pendekatan Belajar Melalui Bermain yang menjadi asas konsep dan prinsip pendidikan prasekolah.  Marc Prensky  menyatakan terdapat 12 elemen mengapa permainan sangat memberikan kebaikan kepada murid-murid. Baca seterusnya

E-Portfolio Welcome

This blog discusses a required university-wide ePortfolio Program at University Sains Malaysia for a masters student in Educational Technology. 

"We believe that by getting students excited about the work they are doing in their classes, and the above examples certainly demonstrate excitement and motivation, and encouraging them to “show off” this work in their ePortfolios they will become engaged in the ePortfolio process. By helping students understand why they should create an ePortfolio, and by scaffolding them through the process of how to create an ePortfolio our chance for a successful implementation is greater"

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